Prosoco DriKlean | 5 Gallons | Peelable Cleaner for Interior Cleaning

Peelable cleaner for interior cleaning
DriKlean is a gentle but powerful apply-and-peel cleaner designed for interior spaces where traditional liquid cleaners cannot be used. Spray, roll or brush it onto limestone, sandstone, marble, travertine, plaster, terra cotta, concrete, mortar or brick to remove dust, soot and oils. Once dry, both the cleaner and the soiling are easily peeled away.
- Ready-to-use.
- Easy application by spray, brush or roller.
- Requires no rinsing or scrubbing.
- Safe for use on sensitive surfaces.
- Easily peels off treated surfaces when dry.
- SHELF LIFE1 year in tightly sealed, unopened container
- FORMViscous white liquid
- PH9.8
- COVERAGE RATE12-100 sq ft/gal. See Product Data Sheet for variations per substrate.
- FREEZE POINT32° F (0° C)
- FLASH POINT>212° F (>100° C) ASTM D 3278
- TOTAL SOLIDSNon-applicable
- WT/GAL8.27 lbs
- AVAILABLE SIZES1-gal, 5-gal
Enviro Klean® DriKlean is a gentle but powerful rinseless cleaning solution designed for interior spaces where traditional liquid cleaners can’t go. Spray, roll or brush it onto limestone, sandstone, marble, travertine, plaster, terra cotta, concrete, mortar or brick to safely remove dust, soot, oils and other surface soiling. The cleaner and soiling is easily peeled off after drying.