EP Henry Single Sided Cast Stone Walls truly replicate the beauty of natural stone at a fraction of the price.
Single Sided Cast Stone Wall comes in 2 cube configurations: Single Sided Cast Stone Wall Full Face contains all straight 6×16 faced and Single Sided Cast Stone Wall Random Face contains a mix of random joint faces. You can mix the two cubes to achieve additional appearances.
• Maximum unreinforced wall height is 30″ under ideal conditions
• Geogrid must be used for walls above 30”
• Minimum inside radius = 22″ (from back of block)
• Use Terrace Wall stretcher block for footer course
• Depth will vary due to the random thickness of the face shell
• Cube weight may vary +/- 3 lbs
• 1.5 pieces = 1 sf of wall face
Full Face & Random Face Stretcher cubes contain 40 square feet – 60 pieces per cube. Total weight: 3,000 lbs per cube.
Full & Random Face Corner cube contains 16 square feet – 24 pieces per cube. Total weight: 850 lbs per cube.