EP Henry Tudor Walls offer a formal look that’s sure to impress. This option comes in 3″ & 6″ block and uses a pin interlocking system.
16″ Stretcher Pallet consists of all solid stretchers. No pins used in this cube.
• Pin calculator: (# of non-cap courses) – (one) x (linear feet of wall)
• Minimum inside radius = 48” (from back of block)
• Maximum unreinforced wall height is 20”. Geogrid is required above this height
• The Base Block facilitates installation and provides structural stability
• Tudor Wall also available in a free-standing wall system
• Always use Coventry Wall Pins
3" Tudor Wall
3” Tudor Wall cube contains 50 square feet total of 5 sizes. Total weight: 4,285 lbs per cube.
6" Tudor Wall
6″ Tudor Wall cube contains 50 square feet total of 5 sizes. Total weight: 4,172 lbs per cube.
16" Stretcher Pallet
3″ Tudor Wall 16″ Stretcher pallet contains 50 square feet – 150 pieces per cube. Total weight: 4,567 lbs per cube.
6″ Tudor Wall 16″ Stretcher pallet contains 50 square feet – 75 pieces per cube. Total weight: 4,308 lbs per cube.
Tudor Wall Corners
3″ Tudor Wall Corners cube contains 43.5 square feet – 150 pieces per cube. Total weight: 3,942 lbs per cube.
6″ Tudor Wall Corners cube contains 44 square feet – 75 pieces per cube. Total weight: 3,829 lbs per cube.
Rectangular Split Cap cube contains 32 square feet – 96 pieces per cube. Total weight: 4,555 lbs.
Universal Split Cap cube contains 30 square feet – 96 pieces per cube.. Total weight: 4,177 lbs.
Base Course Block & Pins
Base Course Block pallet contains 33 square feet – 45 pieces per cube. Total weight: 3,870 lbs per cube.
Coventry Wall Pins contain 100 pieces per bag & 800 pieces per box.